
Ayman Ismaeil

Head of Department - Records and Archives Management - College of Business Administration

Contact Details
Name: Ayman Ismaeil
Job Title: Head of Department - Records and Archives Management
College: College of Business Administration
Email: ayman.ismaeil@asu.edu.om
Phone: 00968 90542495 Ext. 1236
Contact Details

2016 / 2017 - Present  Assistant Professor & Head Of Department - ASU - Sultanate Of Oman . 

2015 / 2016 Visiting faculty member Sultan Qaboos University -Sultanate Of Oman .

2001 /2016 Lecturer at October 6 University - Egypt . 

1994 / 2000 Researcher at Supreme Council Of Universities - Egypt . 

1993 /1994 Assistant lecturer Mansoura  University - Egypt .

Ph.D   Electronic Archives - Faculty of arts - Cairo University - Egypt    

M.A.     Documentary Communications - Faculty of arts - Cairo University - Egypt .

B.A.      Information Science & Documents - Faculty of arts - Cairo University - Egypt . 


Electronic Archives

Records Management

Documentary Communications

Big Data

Open Data 

Cloud Computing Archives 

 Information Science 

Web Archiving

Arab Impact Factor

Learning Resources Centers


Book :

Title : Online Archives of Arab Newspapers: Analytical and Descriptive Analytical Study

Publisher Name : 

Dar al wadi for Culuture and Advertising

Publication Date 






DOI/URL: https://www.asu.edu.om/LRC/Page/Learning%20Resource%20Centre

Journal paper

Cloud Storage of Records in Business Environment Challenge & Risks   2022 

DOI/URL: Acceptable of Publishing

Electronic Marketing and Digital Transformation for Culture Heritage . 2022 

Acceptable for publication


Managing and making open government data available in the Sultanate of Oman Our Oman            platform as a model through the Oman 2040 vision.2022

Acceptable for publication . 


Paber Title : 

National Archives & Their Importance as One of the pillars of National Sovereigenty in the Sultanate of Oman (Reality and the Future) Archival Analytical Study

Journal Names: 

Electronic Interdesciplanry Miscellaneaus Journal

DOI/URL: https://www.eimj.org/uplode/images/photo/

Conference paper

Title Conference : The development of human sciences in the light of the age of digitization

Electronic Marketing and Digital Transformation for Culture Heritage

DOI/URL: Conference : The development of human sciences in the light of the age of digitization 26-29/10/ 2022

Title of Paper : Managing and making open government data available in the Sultanate of Oman Our Oman            platform as a model through the Oman 2040 vision

DOI/URL: Conference : The development of human sciences in the light of the age of digitization 26-29/10/ 2022

International Conference 5th of Arab Impact Factor  19-21
November /2020

Arab Republic of Egypt Future of Archives in the Digital Age.

Published in the conference proceedings book


Conference name :

30th Conference International Archival Day 2020

Conference Date :


Conference Venue :

Slovenia - Italy Online


Conference Name :

International Conference 5th of Arab Impact Factor .

Paper Title :

Future of Archives in the Digital Age .

Conference Date :


Conference Venue :



Conference Proceeding

DOI/URL: http://confs.naturalspublishing.com/icaif2020/Abstracts.asp http://confs.naturalspublishing.com/icaif2020/index.asp?pgid=1

The third scientific forum 24-February 2019

Colleges of Applied Sciences - Ibri State - Sultanate of Oman.

A joint research presented to the third scientific forum for workers in the field of document management.

Title : Electronic archiving from document management to content management


Conference Name :

8th International Conference Mathematics and Information Sciences

Paper Title :

Digital Personal Archives

Conference Date :

8-10 February 2019

Conference Venue :

October 6 University - Cairo - Egypt

Remarks :

Conference Proceeding


Conference Name :

International Conference 2nd of Arab Impact Factor

Paper Title :

The role of national archives in developing national information policies

Conference Date :


Conference Venue :

Zewail City - Cairo - Egypt .



Ph.D : Electronic Archives 


M.A : Documentary Communications & Information Services 


International Council on Archives (ICA) France. 

Arab Impact Factor (AIF - Egypt) Arab Federation for Libraries and Information (AFLI) Tunisia. 

Egyptian Library Association (ELA) Egypt.

Egyptian Society for Information Systems and Computer Technology (ESISACT) Egypt. 

Scientific research and Enterprise Committee .

Collage of Business Administration – ASU – Oman  .

Representative:   Business Administration Group (COBA / ASU) 2018   ASU. Oman . 

Representative:   Special needs Students Unit in COBA 2018 – Now ASU.

Representative:    Social Committee in COBA  2017 Now - ASU. Oman

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>1- &nbsp;Member of the research group at Sultan Qaboos University entitled Documents and Archival Information Systems</p> <p>Documenting the audio-visual cultural heritage in the library of the Ministry of Information (radio and television) November 2021</p> <p>Field: Records &amp; Archives Management /<br>Research Center: Documents and archival information systems /<br>Collaboration: College of Arts &amp; Social Sciences&nbsp;<br>Sultan Qaboos University</p> <p>Date :&nbsp;<br>2021/2022<br>Duration:&nbsp;<br>2 years&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>2- Project Under Graduate ( URG ) Electronic archives of Arab newspapers available on the Internet in the Sultanate of Oman<br>Information Technology and Communication ( ITC )</p> <p>URG<br>Date:&nbsp;<br>2021/2022<br>Duration:&nbsp;<br>2 years&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>3- GRG (The Impact of the Bench marking on the Employees&rsquo; Job Performance in Omani Higher Education Institutions</p> <p>Education and Human Resources (EHR)</p> <p>Date:&nbsp;<br>2021/2022<br>Duration:&nbsp;<br>2 years&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>4- GRG (Toward incubators within Higher Education Institutions to enhance Omani students &lsquo;creativity</p> <p>Education and Human Resources (EHR)</p> <p>Date:&nbsp;<br>2021/2022<br>Duration:&nbsp;<br>2 years&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>