
Qasim Al Ajmi

Assistant Professor in Educational Technology - College of Arts and Humanities

Contact Details
Name: Qasim Al Ajmi
Job Title: Assistant Professor in Educational Technology
College: College of Arts and Humanities
Email: qasim.alajmi@asu.edu.om
Phone: +96899804488 Ext. 1294
Contact Details

1. A’Sharqiah University, Assistant Professor of Educational Technology (Full-time). (15/09/2019- now). 
2. Waljat College of Applied Sciences, Information systems lecturer, (Part-time), (01/3/2019-31/8/2019). 
3. Oman College of Management & Technology (OCMT)(c) (01/09/2010- 03/2019). 
Asst. Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs. (7 Yrs.) 
lecturer in Management Information System & CS. (8 Yrs.) 
Acting. Dean (Three semesters). 
Acting. Asst. Dean for Academic Affairs (2 Yrs.) 
Acting. Head of A & Registration department (2012-2013) 
Acting. Head of QA center_ Act. (2010-2014). 
4. Sultan Qaboos University (SQU: 
Part-timer at College of education (2010-2011) & (2013-2014) 
Research Supervisor at Languages Center (2011-2012) 
5. Ministry of Education (MOE):):(Full-time) 
Information Technology General Supervisor (2006-2010) 
Information Technology Teachers’ Supervisor (2004-2006) 
Information Technology Teacher (2002-2004)

Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems (PhD), University Malaysia Pahang(UMP)(2015-2019).Field of Research:” Adoption of Cloud-Based E-Learning in Omani HEIs for Educational Technology” 2015-2019.

Master of Science in Management Information System (Msc), Glasgow Caledonian University/ Caledonian College of Engineering, (Oman & UK). MoHE: REQ69054. 2007-2009.

Bachelor of Education (Computer/Math), Sohar College of Education (Oman). 1998-2002.

Educational Technology

E Learning

Cloud Computing

Information systems

IS adotion therories


Al-Sharafi M.A., AlAjmi Q., Al-Emran M., Qasem Y.A.M., Aldheleai Y.M. (2021) Cloud Computing Adoption in Higher Education: An Integrated Theoretical Model. In: Al-Emran M., Shaalan K. (eds) Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 335. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64987-6_12

DOI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64987-6_12

AlAjmi Q., Al-Sharafi M.A., Chellathurai G.J. (2021) Fit-Viability Approach for E-Learning Based Cloud Computing Adoption in Higher Education Institutions: A Conceptual Model. In: Al-Emran M., Shaalan K. (eds) Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 335. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64987-6_19

DOI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64987-6_19

Alkamel M.A.A., Chouthaiwale S.S., Yassin A.A., AlAjmi Q., Albaadany H.Y. (2021) Online Testing in Higher Education Institutions During the Outbreak of COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Arpaci I., Al-Emran M., A. Al-Sharafi M., Marques G. (eds) Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 348. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67716-9_22

DOI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67716-9_22

AlAjmi Q., Al-Sharafi M.A., Yassin A.A. (2021) Behavioral Intention of Students in Higher Education Institutions Towards Online Learning During COVID-19. In: Arpaci I., Al-Emran M., A. Al-Sharafi M., Marques G. (eds) Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 348. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67716-9_16

DOI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67716-9_16

AlAjmi Q., Arshah R.A., Kamaludin A., Al-Sharafi M.A. (2021) Developing an Instrument for Cloud-Based E-Learning Adoption: Higher Education Institutions Perspective. In: Bhatia S.K., Tiwari S., Ruidan S., Trivedi M.C., Mishra K.K. (eds) Advances in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1158. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4409-5_60.

DOI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4409-5_60.

Fadi A. T. Herzallah, M. A. A.-S., Qasim Alajmi ,Muriati Mukhtar, Ruzaini Abdullah Arshah, Dirar Eleyan. (2019). Conceptualizing a Model for the Effect of Information Culture on Electronic Commerce Adoption. In S. N. S. A. 2019 (Ed.), Recent Trends in Data Science and Soft Computing (pp. 861–870). Switzerland: Springer

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Journal paper

Qasim Alajmi, M. A.-S. (2020). Smart Learning Gateways for Omani HEIs Towards Educational Technology: Benefits, Challenges and solutions. International Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies, 4(1), 12-17

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Qasim Alajmi, M. A.-S. (2020). Smart Learning Gateways for Omani HEIs Towards Educational Technology: Benefits, Challenges and solutions. International Journal of Information Technology and Language Studies, 4(1), 12-17. Google Scholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Mohammed A. Al-Sharafi, R. A. A., & Qasim Alajmi, F. A. H. a. Y. A. M. Q. (2018). The Influence of Perceived Trust on Understanding Banks’ Customers behavior to Accept Internet Banking Services. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 11(20), 1-9. doi:10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i20/91928.GoogleScholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Zafar, Dr. S.M. Tariq, Qasim Al Ajmi , Dr. D.S. Chaubey , and and Dr. Josephina B Salando. "Analysing Leadership Style to Become a Legend Leader: An Exploration ". International Journal of Engineering and ManagementResearch8,no.3(2018):49-56. Google Scholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Alajmi, Q. S., Ali Safa; Kamaludin, Adzhar; Al-Sharafi, Mohammed A. (2018). Cloud Computing Delivery and Delivery Models: Opportunity and Challenges. Advanced Science Letters, 24(6), pp. 4040-4044(4045). doi:https://doi.org/10.1166/asl.2018.11537. American Scientific Publishers. Google Scholar.

DOI/URL: https://doi.org/10.1166/asl.2018.11537.

Qasim A. Alajmi, R. A. A., Adzhar Kamaludin, Mohammed A. Al-Sharafi. (2018). The Effectiveness of Cloud-Based E-Learning towards Quality of Academic Services: An Omanis’ Expert View. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 9(4), 158 -164. doi:10.14569/IJACSA.2018.090425. Google Scholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Al-Sharafi, M. A., Arshah, R. A., Herzallah, F. A., & Alajmi, Q. (2017). The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness on Customers Intention to Use Online Banking Services: The Mediating Role of Perceived Trust. International Journal of Innovative Computing, 7(1). Google Scholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Zafar, T., Alajmi, Q., & Maqbool, A. (2016). A STUDY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND ITS RELATIVE IMPACT ON INDIAN BANKING AND PAYMENT STTLEMENT SYSTEM. International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management(IJCEM) , 3 (5), 125-146. Google Scholar.

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Alajmi, Q. A. (2016). Cloud computing Technology Setups to Support the Learning Management (LMS) in HEI in Oman. International Conclave on Innovations in Engineering & Management, (pp. 50-54). Muscat. Google Scholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Alajmi, Q., & Sadiq, A. (2016). Opportunities and Challenges in Managemnt Information Systems. International Journal of Applied Sciences and Management , 1 (2), 171-182. Google Scholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Conference paper

M. A. Al-Sharafi, R. A. Arshah, E. A. Abu-Shanab and Q. Alajmi, "The Effect of Sustained Use of Cloud-Based Business Services on Organizations' Performance: Evidence from SMEs in Malaysia," 2019 5th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2019, pp. 285-291. Google Scholar.

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Qasim Alajmi, R. A. A., Adzhar Kamaludin,Mohammed A. Al-Sharafi. (2019). Current State of Cloud-Based E-learning Adoption: Results from Gulf Cooperation Council's Higher Education Institutions. Paper presented at the 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), Canada

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Q. Alajmi, L. A. Al-Nuaimy, G. J. Arul Jose, M. Mastan and M. A. Al-Sharafi, "Cloud computing services and its Effect on tertiary education: Using Google Classroom," 2019 7th International conference on ICT & Accessibility (ICTA), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2019, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/ICTA49490.2019.9144797

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

M. A. Shahid, A. Jaekel, C. Ezeife, Q. Al-Ajmi, and I. Saini, "Review of potential security attacks in VANET," in Majan International Conference (MIC), 2018, 2018, pp. 1-4. Google Scholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Qasim AlAjmi, R. A.-S. (2017). A Conceptual Model of E-Learning based on Cloud Computing Adoption in Higher Education Institutions. 2017 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA). RAK-UAE: IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Google Scholar.

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Qasim Alajmi, A. S.-S. (2017). E-Learning Models: The Effectiveness of the Cloud E-learning model over the traditional E-learning model. 2017 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) (pp. 12-16). Jordan: 978-1-5090-6332-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE. Google Scholar.

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Al-Sharafi, M., Arshah, R., Alajmi, Q., & Herzallah, F. (2016). UNDERSTANDING ONLINE BANKING ACCEPTANCE BY JORDANIAN CUSTOMERS: THE EFFECT OF TRUST PERCEPTIONS. International Graduate conference on engineering, science and Humanities (pp. 436-439). Malaysia: University Teknology Malaysia. Google Scholar.

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Alajmi, Q., & Sadiq, S. (2016). What should be done to achieve greater use of cloud computing by higher education institutions. 2016 IEEE 7th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON) (pp. 1-5). Columbia: IEEE Explore. Google Scholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

Alajmi, Q., & Sadiq, A. (July 2016). Information Systems and Online Education: Cloud computing for E Learning in Higher Education. In A. B. Hamid R. Arabnia (Ed.), THE 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING, E-BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, & E-GOVERNMENT (pp. 193-197). Las Vegas Nevada, USA: CSREA Press. Google Scholar

DOI/URL: Google Scholar

AEIC Annual Academic Committee. 
IEEE Membership 94125897, Oman. 
Member of Wikipedia.org. 
Member of Educational Technology Association. 
Oracle DBA, Certified. UK 
IC3 Authorized Trainer, USA 
Smart City Ambassador, Oman. 
OER Common’s member, Oman 
Reviewer, 4th international Conference of reliable ICT 2019, Malaysia. 
Committee Member of International Conference on Big data & Social sciences (ICDBSS2020), China.

<p>Perceptions of Covid-19 triggered e- learning (CTeL) and its emotional impact among students, teachers and administrators of Higher Education Institutions in Oman- An exploratory sequential mixed -methods approach(RG).(Submitted-Call 2020).</p><p>فاعلية استخدام تطبيقات الآيباد في تدريس مقرر العلوم لتنمية دافعية الإنجاز لدى طالبات الصف العاشر في وزارة التربية والتعليم بسلطنة عمان. (GRG). (Submitted-Call 2020).</p><p>أثر المختبر المدرسي في اكساب طلبة الصف التاسع الأساسي في مادة (العلوم) عمليات العلم الأساسية والتكاملية في وزارة التربية والتعليم بسلطنة عمان (GRG). (Submitted-Call 2020).</p><p>The effectiveness of the reflective survey strategy to teach the Cambridge curriculum in science in providing scientific concepts and developing contemplative thinking among ( 5-9) graders in the Sultanate of Oman (GRG). (Submitted-Call 2020).</p><p>دور تطبيقات الثورة الصناعية الرابعة في تنمية التفكير التأملي لدى طلبة الصف الرابع في مادة العلوم في سلطنة عمان &nbsp;(GRG). (Submitted-Call 2020).</p><p>مستوى أداء معلمي الرياضيات لمرحله التعليم الأساسي في ضوء ممارسات التدريس المرتكزة على التعلم البنائي لمناهج كامبريدج بمدارس محافظه جنوب الشرقية (GRG). (Submitted-Call 2020).</p><p>واقع ممارسة المعلمات بعض تقنيات الثورة الصناعية الرابعة لتنمية مهارات التفكير العليا لدى طلبة الحلقة الأولى في مادة العلوم بسلطنة عمان (Overseas). (Submitted-Call 2020).</p><p>Study the current status of Open Educational Resources(OER) in Oman and design an OER mobile platform for teachers in Oman. (GRG). (Submitted-Call 2020).</p>